Friday, March 20, 2015

In Loving Memory

I couldn't pass this week without paying a tribute to Terry's Grandpa Eldon, or "Gramps" as all the grandkids and congregation affectionately called him.  (I honestly considered him just as much my Grandpa as his)  He passed away on Monday and in his passing left a large hole in our hearts.  This is one of the very difficult things about being so far away, not being there to comfort and hug family and friends during difficult times.  Gramps was a true gem.  His loud, energetic, guffaw laugh came easy, along with lots of jokes and old time sayings that were Gramps trademark.  If you asked him, "how you doing today Gramps?" his response would usually be "Good as cake and twice and sweet," followed by a hearty chuckle and hug.  One of my favorites of his sayings was if something was really loud or squeaky he would say, "that has more rattles than a king's baby."  Love that one!  He was always a joker and as we would be driving out in our field ministry he would honk the horn and wave, to no one in particular, but it would catch you off guard and you would have to wave too, until you realized there wasn't anyone.  Then he would laugh and laugh.  His kind, joking personality was well loved by the congregation as well as in the family and the community. 

His great love for Jehovah was evident in the way he lived his life, his love of family and the Bible.  He firmly believed in the promises held out in the Bible regarding a beautiful resurrection to our perfect earth under paradise conditions and we look forward to welcoming him along with others we have lost. 

We send our heartfelt love, prayers and hugs to all our families and friends at this time. 

For those of you who are interested in information regarding this lovely hope found in the Bible please feel free to visit or select the link below.