Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Florida to Georgetown, Bahamas

So after a week we are here in Georgetown, Bahamas. We can't seem to get away from the wind! It's been blowing 20 plus knots every day! This creates rough seas, not conducive to pleasing boating. We finally braved the 6-8 foot waves (with the occasional 10') and made it to Georgetown. Not something that I want to have to do again, quite honestly. It's amazing though how desensitized you become to the huge seas. At first you are scared to death then, before long it doesn't seem that bad.

The reason we pushed it a bit is that we really wanted to make it to Georgetown since there is a Kingdom Hall here and it looks like we are going to be here for a few weeks. Plus we wanted to get our friend Mike back to St. John so he wouldn't miss his assembly.

I'm kind of going backward in time, but bear with me, there is so much to share. We came into Georgetown yesterday and did laundry at the laundry mat. $12 for two loads, welcome to the islands. Nothing is cheap. While laundry was running we walked to the Tourism department and found out where Internet was as well as the fact that there was a sister who worked just downstairs at the insurance company. We went down, and there were hugs all around. It brought tears to my eyes. No matter where we go we have friends, good friends who will help in any way they can. It's such a special beautiful thing that I will try not to ever take for granted.  We have a ride set up for Thursday night meeting, plans for service as well as helping clean the hall on Saturday. Suddenly life is not to bad, even if we can't get to St. John as quick as we would like. It's going to be a memorable experience that's for sure.  After we met the sister, along with another sister, sitting in the the office, we went to find the internet.  As we sat on a wall, we see a well dressed man get out of a car with a book bag, of course he strikes up a conversation and he's a special pioneer and coordinator.

For some reason I can't post pictures right now but I'll write more later.

Camile and crew