Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kicking Back in the Exumas

It doesn't seem to matter where we are, we are always asking about the weather.  What's it going to do today?  Is it going to be sunny or cloudy, rainy or snowy? It's no different with cruising. Each day we are wondering which way is the wind blowing? Is it going to clock around from a different direction than yesterday? How many knots is it going to be blowing? What do we do way out here on the ocean, enter Chris Parker.

Each morning Terry listens to the weather from Chris Parker who is based out of Florida.  Chris Parker is a weather guru that many cruisers use (there are several different people who offer this sort of service) that helps them recieve reliable weather and cruising information.  You can listen in to a general weather report at 6:30 am on your Single Sideband radio or on a SS Receiver called a Grundig (that’s what we have).  He then takes calls from people all over the northern end of the Caribbean and the Eastern Seaboard checking on weather updates and if they should make the jump from this point to that point.  Chris is a sailor as well and so provides you with cruising information, alternate routes, ect.  He truly has been invaluable in providing us with reliable weather information so that we could make informed decisions. We use the satellite phone we've rented and have called in a couple of times to find out the weather status for our exact route.

Unfortunately, when we called, we found out that we were going to continue to get winds coming from the east, and south east at over 20 knots for the next week or so, again, creating rough seas and impossible passages.  He offered a couple of suggestions, but in the end we decided to stay on the Exuma Banks for a couple of days and see if it changed for the better.

I have to be honest, I took it pretty hard (poor Terry and Mike).  I was just so ready to get to St. John.  I was upset for a couple of days and then slowly made the mental determination that I couldn’t change anything by being anxious about it. (“Who by being anxious can add a cubit to his life? Right? J always hard to do though) Once I changed my mind set it has truly ended up being such a great trip. I am learning to take one day at a time and not worry quite so much.

Besides, we were in the beautiful Exuma islands!!!!! It's crazy not to enjoy it. While we were waiting for the weather to improve we explored two different islands. We were truly moved to thank Jehovah for the exquisite beauty we enjoyed those two days.  

The next day we spent some time on another sweet little beach.  Pretty shells and soft waves made for a relaxing day.  The boys explored the ocean side and then we played Boccle ball using a conch shell and some rocks. It's the simple things in life. . . . 

After hanging out and exploring a couple of islands we decided to make the 40 miles run to Georgetown.  As I mentioned in an earlier post it was NOT a whole lot of fun that day.  It was rough and wet to say the least, but we wanted to get Mike to Georgetown so he could get a flight back home for his Special Assembly Day.  Also, since we knew that we were going to have to spend about a week waiting for weather we wanted to be somewhere where there was a Kingdom Hall. 

We had the best time in Georgetown.  It turned out to be a truly relaxing vacation with the added benefit of meeting and enjoying the company of friends we made at the Kingdom Hall.

More to come,
