Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"Only on St. John"

When people think of St. John they think of the picture above. However for anyone who has lived here for any length of time knows, it's definitely not always paradise. . . . sometimes, but not always.  :)

"Only on St. John"

A saying that soon will be your frequent refrain once you live here.  "Only on St. John" refers to the quirky, often amusing, sometimes frustrating circumstances, situations, and scenarios we find ourselves in on our little rock.  At times it'll make you laugh hysterically with the absurdity of it, other times it makes you want to cry out in frustration or just shake your head in wonderment.  And like the waves that touch our little rock, your emotions will wash in and out from one extreme to another.

So in honor of our rock, and the people who call this place home, here are some of my favorite St. Johnisms that I have collected from friends and personal experience over the years. 

"Only on St. John" does the grocery store have a beer opener on a string instead of a pen.

"Only on St. John" does almost  every traffic sign have bumper stickers or random made up sayings stuck to them to the amusement of every driver on island; and stays that way for years. Here are a few of my favorites: 

1. Don't STOP Believing; 2. STOP drop and roll; 3. STOP in the name of love; 4. Can't STOP won't stop
"Only on St. John" is getting a library card like applying for a concealed weapons permit.  (You have to provide two references.  I literally had the library clerk shake her head in disgust when reading my references.  "This person is not in good standing with the library." Turns out, my friend's 2 year old chewed a corner of a library book and she had offered to pay for it.  You get the idea. I did end up getting a library card but just barely, seriously.  I had to guarantee I was a responsible member of society and pledge a solemn oath that I would always treat my books with dignity and never deface or ruin any of them. :)

"Only on St. John" is it impossible to pay your Water and Power bill or on time because the office is closed for four days in a row for St. Thomas Carnival.

"Only on St. John" do people drive around with a bag of garbage on their roof because there are only a few public dumpsters around the island where you can drop your garbage.  (You don't want it to stink up your car or get a leak. I don't know how many times I've been stopped by tourists who tell me, "You have a bag on your roof." Yep, got it.:)

"Only on St. John" does the grocery store sell ice scrapers for your windshield.  (Whaaaattttt? I know, crazy.  And they've been hanging there for years.)

"Only on St. John" do you know by name the local homeless people and they know you by name. "Hey, Irwin"s, (fist bump) How's it going?"
"Only on St. John" could you get pulled over by the police because your dog is not buckled up in the front seat.  (You can legally drink a beer in your car, but make sure your pooch is buckled up.)

"Only on St. John" do you know that the island is full of tourists due to the lack of essentials at the grocery store.  (hamburger, ketchup, milk, eggs, mayo, butter, ice)

"Only on St. John" do you have the security guard from your local bank transferring money with an armored truck detail, with money bag in hand, come over and give you a hug and have a several minute conversation in the middle of the street.  And when the other security guard shouts for them, it's just to remind them that they need to go to lunch.  Gotta love it!

There are so many of these St. Johnisms.  There are always more to add.

There is even a bumper sticker that says, "We're all here, cause we ain't all there" and boy is that the truth.  There's something pretty crazy-special about this place.  I guess that's why we've come back three times.  I think we fit in here.